Frequently Asked Questions

1.  Does it matter what kind of wood I burn?

2.  If I get my chimney cleaned, does it make a big mess?

3.  I had a chimney fire, what do I do now?

4.  Can I clean my own chimney?

5.  My chimney is falling apart, should it be rebuilt?

6.  My chimney always seems to have mysterious stains on the exterior
     of  the chimney, whats going on?


1. Does it matter what kind of wood I burn?

   A:   No,  in recent years it has been shown that it is not so much the species of wood that is burned, as it is how well aged the wood is. All species put out the same BTUs per pound of wood.


2.  If I get my chimney cleaned, does it make a big mess?

    A:   No,  in this modern age, any quality chimney service professional will have access to the most modern of equipment to ensure that your home is, and stays clean.


3. I had a chimney fire, what do I do next?

   A:  The first thing you should do is to call your local chimney service professional to come out and assess the damage.  Then find out what your professional recommends.


4.  Can I clean my own chimney?

   A:  Absolutely! However, taking a aspirin for a headache doesn’t mean you should not go to the doctor for your annual checkup.  Your local chimney service professional is trained to recognize problems with your venting system that is not general knowledge to most consumers.  Just remember spending a little now could save you a lot in the end.


5. My chimney is falling apart, should it be rebuilt?

A: Yes, most likely it needs to be either tuck pointed or rebuilt.  However you should contact your local chimney professional to determine the cause of the deterioration.  Just because you rebuild the chimney doesn’t always mean that it is fixed.


6. Mysterious Staining:

A:  The “mysterious staining” usually occurs when the clay tile liner system of the chimney is failing, or is simply not there.  This has the potential to cause serious health problems for you and your family.  Contact your local professional immediately to diagnose any potential problems.